
Sensus Ultra
sku: CO03250

Portable Side Imaging Sonar

COBRA Marine Boarding Ladder
Titanium Tactical

Bio Pro Drysuit - Customisable
sku: DS28056
Bio-Pro Contaminated Water Suit (CWS)

Diving Mask SV-2 PRO
sku: MA06326

Bio Metal Mask Stealth

The Echologger RS900 SAR


Bio Fin Ranger (Rubber Straps)

Bio-Fin XT (Rubber Straps)
World’s “No.1 Fin”
New products

OTB M-Carbon 8 Boot - Coyote

OTB M-Flex 8 Boot - Coyote

Proflex TS Touch Screen Glove

PATRIOT Acoustic Diver Recall System DRS-8-003 SA430 MOD 2 Version

Tactical Wetsuit 3mm

Diving Gas Booster Blender

OTB Abyss Boot

Predator Knife Sheath

Underwater Notebook
sku: MS20558

Emergency Light Glo-Toob AAA PRO Series

Mobile Oxygen Hand Booster HIHPG4-29065

GPS set dedicated to ENC3M

Soft transport case for ENC3M

GPS type B float

GPS type B connecting cable 10m

GPS type B connecting cable 3m

GPS type B connecting cable 0,1m

GPS module dedicated to ENC3M type B
Military Marine Tactical and Amphibious Equipment

- Drysuits - military amphibious marine tactical equipment
- Boarding Ladders Military Marine Tactical Amphibious
- Rebreather Military - eCCR Open Safety Incursion
- Lubricant Grease - Oxygen O2 Compatible Tribolube
- Ocean Reef Full Face Masks and UTC Digital Underwater Communications
- Military Amphibious Land Jungle Tactical
- Dive Computer Sport Military Tactical Rebreather
- Thermal Imagers - Tactical, Triage and Fire
- Gearkeeper Retractable Lanyard Tether - Military Police Sidearm Pistol Rifle
- DPV Diver Propulsion Vehicles - Military Marine Tactical SCUBA
- Dry Bags - Military Marine Tactical Amphibious Weapons and Drop Bags
- Fins Military Marine Tactical Amphibious
- SCUBA Equipment
- Wetsuits Marine Tactical Amphibious
- Gloves Weapons Military Marine Tactical Amphibious
- Boots Neoprene ATB All Terrain Boot - Marine Tactical Military Amphibious
- SF Hood - (Water Transit) Amphibious
- Fast Ropes Insertion/Extraction and MIL SPEC Climbing ropes.
- Metalsub Lights and cylinder connection systems
Our aim is to provide operators military equipment that is practical, reliable and designed and built to give an advantage in the field.
Please feel free to contact us for more details on any of our range of products.